Wallpaper "Apocalipse 2.29" / "Revelation 2.29"

Wallpaper "Apocalipse 2.29", com foto de Pierre Amerlynck, Bélgica
Wallpaper "Revelation 2.29", with picture by Pierre Amerlynck, Belgium

Wallpaper "Apocalipse 2.29", com foto de Matthias Stelzl, Áustria
Wallpaper "Revelation 2.29", with picture by Matthias Stelzl, Austria

Inspiração: "Aquele que tem ouvidos ouça o que o Espírito diz às igrejas" (Apocalipse 2.29).

Inspiration: Whoever has ears, let them hear what the Spirit says to the churches" (Revelation 2.29).

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